Here are the two mistakes I see real estate agents make at every level.

Today I want to talk about two common mistakes that even seasoned Realtors sometimes make so you can avoid them in the future:

1. They don’t have a written business plan. Over the past three years, I’ve coached over 100 agents at all levels, and one common theme is that a lot of them don’t have a physical business plan written down that tells them what their game plan is for the year. They don’t know how to run their schedule, they have no idea what numbers they need to hit, and don’t have a system to help their clients consistently.

“Lead generation is vital to any real estate business.”

2. They spend time on non-dollar-productive activities. A lot of agents spend too much time on things that don’t get them paid, like doing paperwork or organizing their schedule. Dollar-producing activities are what keep your business alive, and that must include consistent lead generation every day. Doing this will determine whether or not you succeed in this business.

As I coach and consult agents, I help them remedy these problems by helping them write out a written, detailed business plan, focus on lead generation activities, and a strategy that gives them the business they need to make their income goals. If you’re curious about the other eight mistakes that agents make consistently, you can download a copy of my list by clicking the button below.

If you have any other questions for me, don’t hesitate to reach out via phone or email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.